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“We don’t like consultants because…”
“We have no money to spend on ………..”
“We could do that ourselves”
In our business you would expect us to object to these types of comments yet we don’t; in fact we think that they are often justified.
Yes it’s true, it is not always best to use external support and expertise.
At Axios we are different.
Consultants are often blamed for “charging by the thickness of the report” or “borrowing the clients watch so that we can tell him the time” or “billing as many hours as possible”.
At Axios we deliver results not reports, we work with our clients to ensure that sustainable results are achieved and we don’t undertake work unless it is going to add real value to our clients.
On most occasions clients try to do work and make changes using internal resource which is considered cheap or free. They think they have no cash to spend with external resources.
Internal resource is actually very expensive when considering opportunity costs and the likelihood that the job will take longer and be less well done due to lack of appropriate experience (it’s like servicing your car – you could do if (sort of) if you wanted to).
Axios projects are self financing – the cost of our input normally equates to less than five months run rate savings.
There are no new ideas, only adaptations of old ones. Most changes in business appear to be obvious and many look easy.
Yet if these are true why have improvements not be made in the past and why do we not all work for the perfect company? We all have day jobs and we are all focused on our business, we don’t all have the experience of working in many companies and if we have spare time on our hands then there is another problem (we are not fully employed).
Axios provide, focused resource and expertise that can draw on many industries experience and delivery pragmatic advice and support.
On many occasions external support is not appropriate or the support offered (by other firms) is not aligned to the need. Make sure you get what you need and need what you get.